Root Canal Treatment in HSR Layout

We often tend to ignore our toothache and find ourselves relieved by consuming painkillers, but within a few days, the pain starts again. This cycle continues until we worsen the situation. But we least realize that ignoring tooth pain will not cure it, and you might need a root canal treatment. At Prakash Dental care, we provide painless root canal treatment in HSR Layout.


What is Root Canal Treatment?

The pulp of the tooth contains nerves and blood vessels. The pulp provides the required nutrition and moisture to the tooth. When the pulp gets infected due to bacterial accumulation, the tooth starts to decay and causes severe pain. The removal of the infected pulp while restoring the tooth is called root canal treatment. Root canal treatment is also known as endodontic treatment.


Is root canal treatment painful?

At Prakash Dental care in HSR Layout, we provide you painless root canal treatment.


What is the process of root canal treatment?

Firstly the infected pulp is removed, then the canal is disinfected, filled, and sealed to prevent further damage. For a complete procedure, one may usually require 2-3 sittings depending upon the level of damage caused to the tooth. Also, the effect of local anesthesia used while treating  wears off in few hours after treatment. Then using a filling material the tooth is restored, and the tooth is finally covered with a crown to protect it from further damage.


What are the causes of root canal infection?

Several factors can trigger a root canal infection:


  •  Dental decay helps bacteria to penetrate the pulp or the nerve of the tooth and thus causes infection.
  •  Tooth displacement which can be caused due to intrusion, extrusion, or subluxation.
  •  Cracked tooth through which bacteria penetrates into the pulp.


What if the tooth is left untreated?

If the tooth is left untreated, the infection can spread to adjacent teeth and jaw. The tooth may slowly disintegrate and become weak over time and at such a stage saving the tooth may not be possible and tooth removal would be the only choice of treatment.


What is the cost of root canal treatment in HSR Layout?

The cost of root canal treatment in HSR Layout mainly varies depending upon the level of damage, and the material used for making the crown.


What are the advantages of root canal treatment?

  •  Relief from pain, gum swelling, and tooth sensitivity
  •  Better oral health
  •  Natural tooth is restored
  •  Adjacent teeth remain in position as the root is intact
  •  You can eat and drink anything you like without thinking twice


Don’t let the tooth pain affect your daily life, visit us for a root canal treatment at Prakash Dental Care in HSR layout.

Treatment Results