Early childhood caries (“ECC”) refers to tooth decay in children under the age of six. A child under the age of six has early childhood caries if the child
(1) Currently has a decayed tooth,
(2) Has lost a tooth as a result of tooth decay, or
(3) Has had a cavity filled.
What does it look like to have early childhood caries?
During the early stages, it is seen as small white or brown spots on children’s teeth. As the disease progresses, the discolored spots will turn into small holes (cavities).
If not treated, the disease can eventually destroy most or all of the affected tooth’s crown (i.e., the visible portion of the tooth), leaving the child with only a small stump above the gumline.
Various causes could be:
- Sugary diet
- Microorganisms present in the mouth
- Defective tooth formation
- Improper oral hygiene
- Mother’s oral health
- Premature or low birth weight babies
- Feeding habits such as bed time feeding and not cleaning the teeth after feeding
- Night time breast feeding in children older than 12 months of age
- The use of bottle at night as a substitute for the pacifier
What happens if the condition is not treated:
How big of a deal is it if a baby, toddler, or preschooler gets cavities? Since the child’s “baby” teeth are going to fall out anyway?
Is it really even necessary to treat cavities in very young children?
The answer is YES!
Early childhood caries spreads more rapidly than tooth decay in adult teeth. Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers with untreated cavities can quickly develop various short-term and long-term health issues, including pain, infection, swelling and early loss of teeth.
How to treat it?
Do not Worry! We at Prakash Dental Care are here to take care of your child’s oral health. Treatment may range from simple dental fillings to removal of teeth depending on the extent of the decay.
The key is, therefore, to identify the decay at an early stage!
Book an appointment with us today 🙂