Got your braces? Congratulations! You are just a step away from getting a healthier and more beautiful smile. We often get asked about dental braces and how to take care of them. It is what worries the patients, both patients who have braces and those who are planning to get them.

Taking care of braces is easy when you follow a proper routine. Whether the braces are metal, ceramic, or Invisalign, taking good care of them will give you a better result.

So, let’s see how we can take good care of the braces to get the optimum benefit.


Brushing is an essential and basic oral habit. Regularly brushing using the correct techniques protects teeth and gums.

When your braces are on, your dentist will suggest what type of toothpaste, brush, and technique you should use to keep your teeth and braces clean.

Generally, all dentists recommend a soft bristle toothbrush. You can also opt for an orthodontic toothbrush that will help you with your braces. While brushing, make sure you brush circularly. Apply gentle pressure while brushing near your braces.

Brushing twice is recommended to remove all the food debris from the mouth that can cause the decaying tooth. Make sure to rinse your mouth properly with water every time you eat to keep your mouth clean and free from food particles that get stuck between teeth and braces.

Healthy Diet:

Braces consist of brackets and wires that shift the teeth to their correct location. Whenever you eat, the food will get stuck between the braces and can be hard to clean, even by brushing. Certain types of food can also damage the braces. So, eating the right food is essential. Always avoid hard, chewy, and sugary food and drink that would affect your braces. The foods to avoid include nuts, sticky sweets, popcorn, fibrous, bagels, corn chips, whole raw fruit, tough meat, and peanut butter.

These foods either get stuck to your braces which are hard to remove. Also, the sugary food might attract bacteria that would damage your teeth, especially near the brackets. These foods can also damage your braces by breaking wires. They also tend to loosen brackets which would delay your treatment process.

Regular Dental Appointments:

Once you get braces, you will have to visit your dentist to adjust the wires. With every follow-up appointment, your orthodontist will tighten your braces to keep the pressure on the teeth and move a step toward your goal. These visits will also include cleaning and check-up.

Missing appointments will only extend the time it takes to straighten your teeth. As a result, you will have to wear those braces for longer than you should.

To get a beautiful, gorgeous, and shiny smile, take extra care of your braces and see the result.